New Artwork: Manifesting Her Abundance

Over the last couple of decades, I have come to know that art-making for me, is a powerful and often prophetic experience. I am often able to intuit the energetic felt-sense, or ‘essence’ of what’s coming my way in life … for me the messages often unfold, piece by piece.

This can mean I’m often in a space of ‘receiving’ information, which is insightful and such a gift. Yet it can also sometimes feel I’m not in the driver’s seat. In this artwork, wanted to step into more agency to create, instead of only following intuitive guidance.

This Intuitive Artwork invites us take time to truly tap into what we’d like to experience and achieve in our life, and take action towards these dreams with agency.

Spiritual growth and personal change doesn’t have to happen all at once … there is great patience developed in taking baby step by baby step, towards our goals. In fact, it’s the baby steps and felt sense, that make true change and manifestation achievable.

Manifesting Her Abundance is now ready for a new home. Now, this artwork is ready to go to a person to help to manifest their own soul dreams, into reality. Lay by is available.

Read more about the process behind Manifesting Her Abundance and how to own this artwork HERE.


Chrissy 🌈🎨🦚


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Why I’m taking a 3 month Self-Care Sabbatical