Meet Chrissy Foreman: Artist, Art Therapist & Teacher
Hi lovely, I’m Chrissy 🌿🫶🏽🎨
I’m a proudly neuro-affirming Therapeutic Artist, passionate about self-discovery, personal wellbeing and learning, via Art Therapy experiences.
Alongside a Masters in Therapeutic Arts Practice, with Specialisation in Research, I weave together 25 years as a Professional Artist and Teacher.
As a late-diagnosed Autistic ADHD’er, it’s my passion to support neurodivergent people to creatively discover their unique strengths, interests and goals for thriving; whether with kids, teens or grown-ups.
I also love chilling at home with my son and 3 cats, sipping tea, going on nature walks, making art, building LEGO, tending to my house plants and hanging out at gluten-free friendly cafes, with friends and family. Oh, and frolicking barefoot in the rain!
Read more about my journey below
Inside Artuition Studio
ARTUITION Studio is a homely Private Therapeutic Arts Studio
Based in on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi Country, Clontarf, Queensland, 4019. Australia
In 2022, after running therapeutic art sessions in schools, council venues and galleries for many years, I finally opened my own studio!
Welcome to Artuition Studio … an open, airy, plant-filled therapeutic art space to imagine, grow and co-create your well-being journey. With a private side entrance, surrounded by lovely a garden sanctuary, you’ll experience nourishing, therapeutic art sessions and workshops to support authentic self-discovery and personal growth, in a space that feels safe, inspiring and relaxed to be in.
ARTUITION Studio is also the home of my (Chrissy’s) art, as well as a new neurodivergent art gallery!! If you’re in the Brisbane North area and would like to book a private studio visit, reach out below to chat.
My Story …
I have loved discovering and creating as long as I can remember. As a highly sensitive, anxious and creative child, I naturally engaged with drawing, painting, writing, drama and dancing, as cathartic and expressive tools for my nervous system.
After studying art all through high-school, I wasn’t accepted into art school 😥 (plus, my parents encouraged me to get a ‘real’ job), so I went into education and travelled abroad. However my love for creativity never waned and from my 20’s onwards, I studied visual art and later art therapy, with The MIECAT Institute.
As a lifelong learner and now following my passions and dreams, I still continued to experience crippling anxiety, overwhelm and emotional flooding, even after after 2 decades of accessing talk therapy.
But there was something about art-making that always helped me feel ease amongst my challenges, so I decided to study a Masters in Therapeutic Arts, to learn why and how creativity might be a better mode of healing for me, and others like me.
After becoming a Mum and experiencing a couple of epic burnouts, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD at 42, and Autism at the age of 44. Finally my sensitivities, curiosity, insatiable creativity, uncanny intuitions and unique felt-sense processing, all began to make sense!
Now armed with a Masters in Therapeutic Arts Practice with Specialisation in Neuro-Afffirming Research, I’m passionate about developing fresh offerings with/for my fellow late-diagnosed neurokin (and professionals working with our community) to better understand our unique needs, brains and nervous system processing … and so our new generations can grow up, armed with more knowledge, resources, support and tools to authentically thrive.
3 Fun Facts About Me
🌿 1. I have a large family of house plant friends living with me - 100+ and counting!
🌳 2. I talk to plants, trees, flowers, animals and art forms as if they are beautiful living beings … because to me, they are.
☕️ 3. My favourite teas are chai and Gorgeous Geisha tea from T2 🤤
Sustainability Practices
- Wherever possible in the studio, we use natural materials that are locally sourced, alongside art materials with proven, low-toxicity safety certification through ACMI
- Clients are shown eco-friendly ways to use and dispose of art materials
- Art prints and card decks are are printed locally within Australia, using quality eco-friendly processes
- Packaging is Australian-sourced, recycled and reusable wherever possible
- We regularly volunteer to collect litter from our local creeks and bushland, contributing to change in our own backyard