student love - Art Class Testimonials
“Our daughter has been attending art therapy with chrissy for 2 terms now and we have seen a shift in her emotional state bringing calmness and also reflection. Whilst adding techniques to her personal love of art”
Donna-Lee shares …
Thru artuition, I have found a safe space, to express my thoughts and feelings in a guided, artistic way.
Chrissy has help me build confidence and be open to experiment both in art and in life.
“It’s really peaceful. And nobody judges what you do.
I feel really relaxed and reset ”
Always comes home happy
Chrissy's Art classes are a treat and I absolutely recommend them to everyone.
My child has attended both group and private classes, and benefits from each.
In her Art class, Chrissy creates a space that is calm and gentle and, at the same time, encourages playfulness and curiosity. It's a beautiful balance.
My child is autistic and is sometimes really chatty and energetic, other times quiet. He really enjoys getting to set the pace with this in the private classes - sometimes meandering through conversation, other times creating in silence. Chrissy is actively present, following his lead and respecting his personal space.
He always comes home happy.
“Every week, I know that I’ll feel relaxed and welcomed on Thursday.
Before, I feel too energetic, and afterwards I feel very laid out and very relaxed”
Chrissy's is able to use her creativity to empower the spirit and fulfill the heart
No one could prepare me for the transformation I have experienced after completing a beautiful weekend of art making with Chrissy.
I signed up for the course in an attempt to add more creativity to my current lifestyle. I ended the retreat not only reaching these goals but also completely reframing the way I perceive and believe in my own art making and artistic expression.
Chrissy's approach is second to none. She is able to use her creativity and to empower the spirit and fulfill the heart in a way that is completely unique. I cannot wait to create art with her again in the near future.
— Fern
“Q & A with Lily
Why do you love coming to the studio?
It’s relaxing and fun you get to do things that you wouldn’t normally do.
Is there a difference between how you feel before, and after?
Before I kind of feel like sad or depressed, and then after I feel myself.
What are some of the favourite techniques that you’ve learnt here?
Drawing sketching and painting. It’s calming. ”
Her class makes me feel warm and cuddly
I like Chrissy’s art class because it helps me to learn to focus on what’s around me and I feel calm and there is lots of fun things to do. Her class makes me feel warm and cuddly. I like using the gel and paint pens. It helps me express my feelings — Ivy (7)
Chrissy takes great care in ensuring everyone is included, and has the opportunity to express themselves authentically. Our girls have become more confident in their abilities, are more willing to try new techniques and always leave Chrissy’s class feeling joyful — Belinda (Mum)
I am a student from one of Chrissy's outstanding classes and I wanted to write a review about how special Chrissy's art classes are and how inspiring Chrissy is not only as a teacher but like an old friend she is amazing. Even is you do not like art, you will if you sign up for these amazing classes that are so accepting to anyone who thinks they do not belong.
I hope someone finds joy from experiencing these relaxing calm classes.😊 — Nyah, age 11
“I got out of my head and into my heart space”
“Hi Miss Chrissy,
My girls have loved your art classes so much and I have found that the benefits have gone well beyond improving their artistic abilities, although I have certainly noticed the way that they approach design has shifted. It’s been amazing to watch!
They tell me how calm they feel on Tuesday afternoons, that your classes relax them. Through creating art, you have taught them how to self-regulate any anxieties they are experiencing and this has made a noticeable difference. This ability to find a calmness through art is something I want them to keep exploring.
Why am I telling you this? Well, to express my gratitude to you! Clearly your teaching is having an impact (on both girls) and so I want to say thank you!
🙏 🎨”
a lovely balance between art techniques and intuitive processes …
Chrissy is such an authentic and passionate artist and teacher. Her workshop was such a joy to attend and so much fun!
Chrissy creates a lovely balance between art techniques and intuitive processes. I loved being able to take home my own unique artwork!
I was feeling a little stressed beforehand but soon started to feel relaxed and afterwards felt very expansive. I’ve learned to trust my intuition, let the heart lead, enjoy the process rather than worrying about the end result.
— Maria
“Savannah loves her time with Chrissy. She is able to express her creativity in a safe, comfortable environment. She loves trying a wide range of art styles and techniques we can’t do at home.”
Art is for everyone. Not just artists.
How special Chrissy's art classes are …
She took all my fears away of being new to art.
I was instantly relieved when i met Chrissy and was welcomed through the door into her art class. it was a nurturing and supportive experience and I loved connecting with the other women.
I loved this event as it was small, intimate and extremely fun to hang with such a fabulous group of women and with the expert guidance of Chrissy. she took all my fears away of being new to art.
we are all creative, but we forget to play as adults, and get addicted to be being busy. Art is a process of letting go and not being a slave to your inner critic
Afterwards I felt relaxed, and instead of stressed I was calm and content and loved making some art in the process. it was a really beautiful way to de-stress at the end of the week — Georgie
I was feeling a bit insecure before the workshop as making art isn’t my usual territory. I absolutely enjoyed the process as I felt very supported with Chrissy.
The entire process was mindfully and consciously created for the benefit of all participants. Brilliant work.
Art is for everyone. Not just artists.
— Nereda
I’ve seen her artistic style develop in leaps + bounds …
Kamilah is always excited to do Art with Chrissy and grabs every opportunity to go. The few times I’ve visited them the environment has been so calm and relaxing across all the senses that it’s easy to see why she loves going. At home I’ve seen her artistic style develop in leaps and bounds as she tries out new ideas based on techniques Chrissy has shown her. Chrissy has a great passion and knowledge in creative expression and a wonderful way of connecting and nurturing it in others. Thank you Chrissy, we love what you do!! Xx
— Freya (Kamilah’s Mum)
Art with Chrissy is my favourite day of the week. I like painting and I love how Chrissy shows us different techniques and we get to put different kinds of layers on our work each week. Chrissy teaches us new ideas to do in art but she doesn’t tell us what to do, we can do anything we want. I like the music that she puts on. Chrissy is calm and patient and fun and that’s why I love doing art with her.
— Kamilah, age 7
Some were a little nervous at the beginning …
We had a lovely afternoon with Chrissy, exploring our creativity and artistic nature.
Some were a little nervous at the beginning, wondering if we had the skills to pull this off. With Chrissy’s mindfulness guidance and patience, we relaxed into the creative process of intuitive art and learnt to let go of always needing to work towards a set outcome. It is great to have an artwork setting our intentions for the year and to reflect on what we want to achieve in future. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the session and would recommend to others. — Sue, Anglicare
“What do you like about coming to the studio?
Just like the free time to do what you want, or like, topics to work off.
Afterwards I feel a bit more relaxed or positive. ”
Nerves soon flew out the door …
It had been many years since I had done anything artistic, so I was nervous prior to the workshop. However, nerves soon flew out the door with the creativity and freedom that Chrissy encouraged. I found the process profoundly enjoyable and inspiring.
I found great joy in watching my work evolve during the workshop and definitely have a renewed appreciation for the conscious and subconscious journey that this type of art process facilitates.
I would highly recommend one of Chrissy's art workshops to anyone.
— Ruben
This isn’t just art … It’s spiritual and emotional nourishment.
A lot of the time I know what I want to achieve, but I can’t get it down on paper. It’s not knowing the little tips and tricks - that’s where I find I get frustrated.
In Chrissy’s classes there is so much space to get your creativity down, then gentle techniques to help you express what you want to express, without feeling frustrated. It’s a really gentle, nurturing way she teaches.
This isn’t just art … It’s spiritual and emotional nourishment.
— Charlotte
A divine Pleasure …
Attending one of Chrissy’s Intuitive Wisdom classes is a divine pleasure.
It starts with being welcomed into a beautiful, organic space and flows through to the nurturing teaching style where participants are encouraged to release, and ultimately embrace, the inner artist that lurks within us all.
The beautiful soul that you see emanating from Chrissy’s works shimmers in person and three hours spent learning and creating in her presence left me blissful.
— Karenlee
“Your personal connection made me feel like I was sitting in a room creating with my best friend …
I would like to share with you from the participants perspective how blessed I feel for having been part of your online class. I have done many online e-courses living in a remote rural Victoria; it’s my little outlet as an artist to break myself out of a rut that we can get into as artists.
Your e-course was/is THE BEST that I have ever participated in. Your presentation of the course is the most professional I have ever been involved in. Your video tutorials, pdf files and social media use were second to none, the best I have been involved in.
Through it all, your personal connection made me feel like I was sitting in a room creating with my best friend.
Chrissy helped me shed the weights of self-doubt and fear …
Chrissy's workshop gave me the space and confidence to explore my own unique sense of artistic and emotional creativity.
Having always felt a connection with artistic mediums, I was held back by the belief that the artwork I produced was just not very good.
Chrissy helped me shed the weights of self-doubt and fear of not meeting preconceived ideas around what art should look like.
— Sheena