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How I use LEGO to Depict my extra-sensory felt sense

As part of my Masters in Arts Therapy Research with @miecatinstitute I have been exploring the extra-sensory experience of my neurodivergence, and how I perceive and relate to non-human forms around me including plants, animals and the energy of ‘becoming’ that I sense all around me.

Lego energy-scape, with ideas, protection, pets and perceived boundaries.

One of the things I most love about LEGO, is that there are existing forms I can bring together to create new combinations.

I love how small and cute they are. It brings me a sense of childhood awe abd wonder, because I’ve always really enjoyed the small detail of things.

LEGO cats, rotating and watching with intentional slow

I also love the infinite creativity and the capacity for storytelling with LEGO, and to be able to depict my internal and external experiences. I can include things I’m thinking about, dreams, my current sense of a life situation, alongside the energy I perceive around me, still coming into form.

LEGO me, on a Minecraft LEGO wolf with love heart, accessing unseen time and space aliveness

There are a number of LEGO helpers who have held a recurring feature in my LEGOscapes. Neurodivergent Kitty and Love Pup (below) depict different aspects of myself, and it’s interesting for me to see how they interact when I place them nearby.

Most of my work unfolds intuitionally - I listen to my inner senses and outer sensory perceptions, and bring them together in LEGO form. I am finding that white areas are often the unseen perceptions I pick up on - like a buzzing aliveness in the air around me, or the way the Universe itself is woven together, both in form and energetically.

The colourful parts often depict what has come into form, things in my world, objects, people, non-human forms in the physical world that I interact with and perceive through my physical senses.

Neurodivergent kitty meets love pup, over transparent koi

Using LEGO is fast becoming my preferred form of creativity - my new hyper focus, so it’s wonderful to create a rich body of work as I delve into aspects of my neurodivergent experience and how I perceive the seen and unseen worlds.

I see, in detail, my Becoming.

I have another post up on my blog about my LEGO Arts Therapy inquiries, if you would like to take a look HERE.

Love, Chrissy 🫶