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Nature's Wisdom

When was the last time you allowed yourself time to simply meander through nature without an agenda, and notice the beauty before you?⁣ Personally, I’d love to say I get out and about every day, but some weeks I’m not so time expansive. ⁣

I believe as humans, we are part of this ecosystem and have been intrinsically connected to Nature for tens of thousands of years. So when we have big sections of time away from Her, we feel the disconnect in our soul as a yearning for something we can’t quite capture. ⁣We’ve forgotten our true home. ⁣
As I reflect on moments spent in nature, I always experience a sense of wonder, clarity and regeneration of Spirit. Knowing this is true for me; wouldn’t regular nature time be a priority worth living?⁣

If our lives are made up from millions of consecutive moments, experienced in the RIGHT NOW, then I’d like to literally ‘spend’ my time doing things that feel connected, expansive and heartfelt. ⁣

Being in Nature is one of those things for me. 
And I think this life is worth spending in beauty’s embrace.

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