Kids Art Classes - Recommence Next Week

Hello to my local fam bams! I hope you’ve had an enjoyable holiday break with your little cherubs.

Next week, I am recommencing my Kids’ Intuitive Art Courses for Term 3. I still have a couple of spots available in my Home-Studio Kids Intuitive Art Classes on Thursday afternoons; and a handful of spaces in my school-based Clontarf Beach State School Intuitive Art Course on Tuesday lunch-times.

Here are a couple of videos featuring my students’ Intuitive Artworks from last term.

Love. Love. Love!!

I just adore doing this work with kids! It’s so freeing to explore creativity and self-expression with children and their natural sense of awe and possibility. If you’d like you child to join me in my Clontarf, Queensland studio; view my class options, CLICK HERE.

Big Love, Chrissy x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Nature's Wisdom


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