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New Artwork - My Vocation

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately. After over ten years working to establish my Art career, I've recently made a new decision :  To step back from the quest and just enjoy simply making and sharing my Art again. It feels good.

In my inquiry, I asked myself what I wanted to do with my Life now I have shifted my focus. What was my Purpose? A few things came to me ... Meaningful creative work, Teaching kindergarten with Children again and Study. 

But the biggest insight I discovered, was that it doesn't really matter what path I choose, because my true vocation isn't really work related - It's about aligning my everyday moment-to-moment choices, with my Spirit.

In each moment, I have a choice. I can listen to the direct guidance I receive in a constant flow of wisdom I feel through my intuitive feelings ... Or I can listen to what I think I should do.

These two options resonate very differently in my body. One feels like the natural flow of a river; the other, feels contrived and upstream. One comes from a depth of authentic inner kindness; the other comes from pleasing or being accepted by others, by society, even those closest to me. 

Following our true vocation isn't always easy. In fact, it's probably the harder road of the two, because it is so 'unknown', and unfolds step-by-step. But somehow, I think there's great beauty in that. It means in each moment, I can start anew from who I thought I was or could be yesterday. 

My intuition beckons me to grow into a more loving version of myself and as I do, I can express more vibrant presence than before. My choices become less about picking the 'right path' and just simply tuning into this moment for wisdom. It seems so simple, yet full of infinite potential.

'My Vocation'. 20" X 40", mixed media on canvas. $1600. (c) Chrissy Foreman Cranitch, 2014.

I have to say, I am in Love with this finished piece. 'My Vocation' is a powerful work, celebrating what it means to truly pave our own path, with our flourishing feelings, heart and Spirit to guide us eternally in each moment.

I cannot think of a better job than finding joy in being Myself and sharing my heart fully with others. 

'My Vocation' is available for $1600 for one very special person to own, with layby options available. Contact me if she's yours.

I'll leave you with a sweet mini-video of 'The Making of My Vocation', below. 

All my Love, Chrissy x