My Autistic / ADHD Podcast Interview with Shannon Swales

I am very excited to share my recent podcast interview with Shannon Swales’ on the When Burnout Becomes Reality Podcast.

In this interview, really unmask and share:

  • my personal experience with Autistic/ADHD burnout

  • how becoming a parent dialled up my burnout experiences, and why

  • how I turn to art, nature and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to help me manage and prevent burnouts

  • how being neurodivergent has it’s own set of burnout triggers due to our sensory profiles and nervous systems

  • how the process of self-discovery and accessing supports, helps us recover and lean into our thriving.

I hope you enjoy it and find some gems or insights 💫

🫶🏽 Chrissy


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

‘Sensory Street’ - Neuro-affirming workshop Recording


Navigating change feels harrowing right now