Can't even draw a stick figure?
Hello Beauty 💗
One of the things I’ve heard people tell me over and OVER when they hear I’m an artist is:
‘I can’t even draw a stick figure!’
Ummm … now, I’m not sure how drawing a stick figure became a measure of someone’s creativity. But it seems to be the accepted way we downplay our capacity to draw, paint or engage in any kind of visual creativity!
It’s also, an absolute load of hogwash.
My response to the stick figure comment is that maybe if we picked something a bit more inspiring than drawing stick figures, we’d find much more joyous ways to measure our creativity … including how wonderful it FEELS to create!
In reality, you CAN draw and paint (and whatever else you want to have a go at) because it’s not about how art looks or what anyone else thinks, it’s about YOU joyously engaging in the creative process.
You can draw and paint!
So many of us loved drawing and painting as a kid but someone judged our work and we shut down our attempts, because we believed we weren’t good enough. Even as adults, we may carry the story that we’re not good at art, so why even bother?!
But If we only ever engage in things we are masterful in or know the outcome of, then we are truly missing out on the rich diversity that life has to offer us ... including the uplifting heart feeling that comes after a session of art-making!
That’s why I LOVE teaching intuitive art. it’s one of my favourite ways to challenge old art-making judgments by sharing drawing and painting processes that are playful, freeing and all about being dancing within your creative flow.
And people see, that through joy and play, they can actually draw! It’s the stifling beliefs that hold us back, not our creative capacity.
Here’s proof you can make art (from my beautiful students)
Having always felt a connection with artistic mediums, I was held back by the belief that the artwork I produced was just not very good.
Chrissy helped me shed the weights of self-doubt and fear of not meeting preconceived ideas around what art should look like.
— Sheena
I was feeling a bit insecure before the workshop as making art isn’t my usual territory. I absolutely enjoyed the process as I felt very supported with Chrissy.
The entire process was mindfully and consciously created for the benefit of all participants.
Art is for everyone. Not just artists.
— Nereda
It had been many years since I had done anything artistic, so I was nervous prior to the workshop. However, nerves soon flew out the door with the creativity and freedom that Chrissy encouraged. I found the process profoundly enjoyable and inspiring.
— Ruben
Enjoy the creative process!
We really can discover a whole new avenue of joy and rich fulfilment, when we release unrealistic expectations of creating a masterpiece as our goal and instead, enjoy a life filled with pockets of process-based creativity instead (try saying that 3 times fast!)
So, if you’d love to learn ways to step back into your creative flow (that is ALWAYS there, waiting for you to dive into!), then I would be honoured to be your guide 💗
I’m sharing a beautiful, 6 week guided intuitive art journey called Inspired by Nature, starting April 19th. To join the online course, reignite and nourish your creative flow, click here.