Living with artful integrity

Hello beautiful. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about integrity and how we can use art as a tool for strengthening our wellbeing and nurture our boundaries. I’ve personally noticed a slow and steady shift since entering my 40’s. I’m becoming less bound by what others/society/culture expects of me, and quite frankly, becoming more myself instead.

artful integrity chrissy foreman

How we shift into integrity

For years I’ve been the kind-hearted good girl, supporting others greatly through martyrdom, playing the role others have expected or always known of me.

I thought over the last 10 years I’d been slowly waking up, but it’s not until the last couple of years I’ve become much more fierce with genuinely accepting and backing myself in daily, authentic ways.

What I’ve come to understand is this. Change happens in small, baby moments, over time, multiple times a day. We are always co-creating ourselves anew, as our spirit unfurls.

Chrissy foreman artwork integrity

When new parts of ourselves emerge

When we become aware of a new part of ourselves emerging, maybe a part that is bolder or taboo or quirky or just plain READY after years of laying dormant within, it can time time for us to meet and understand and embrace our new parts more fully. And this is wonderful and okay. There is no rush to become.

In practice, these days I feel like I’m dating myself, with magnificent kindness and loving gesture. Taking time to get acquainted with my new parts means slowing down, becoming more aware of my desires, and taking many little baby steps to accommodate my new becoming.

I have the right to take things slow and steady. I deserve a gentle unfold.

phoenix cloud photo

Taking gentle, baby steps

The new flamingo artwork in progress is about taking small, baby steps to feel, accept and nourish my inner spirit’s desires. Mothering myself. Nurturing and nourishing the new fledgling me, with gentle baby steps of compassion and understanding.

Deepening into my 40’s has been an amazing process so far. I’m loving getting to know myself and I’m excited for who I am, and becoming. And I love using the process of creativity as a gentle guide as I sail my way through unfamiliar, yet more authentic shores.

Chrissy Foreman integrity intuitive artwork

Upcoming art workshop

If like me, you’re feeling ready to strengthen your authentic intentions in the world, I have a beautiful Intuitive Vision Boards Workshop coming up in Brisbane, Australia on 5th March.

The workshop will gather a small, intimate group of only 6 participants, with lots of personalised attention and feedback, guided demonstrations, all art materials provided, complimentary organic tea + coffee, and you will finish with a vivid, colourful vision board artwork to put on your wall, for daily reminders throughout 2021.

Each participant will also receive a complimentary deck of my Artful Presence Cards, to help connect with your mindful intentions on the night, and every day afterwards.

BOOK HERE - Places are limited so book today to secure your place in this beautiful, soulful experience.

Here’s to many more years ahead of depth, integrity and honouring of our authentic spirit.

With love,

Chrissy Foreman Intuitive Art Teacher

Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

My #1 art tip


2 new collages + artful meditation for Feb