Art therapy share - Bridging identities

The last 7 weeks I’ve been exploring a creative inquiry into bridging my artist and art-therapy selves.

For years I’ve felt a separation between these parts of myself - knowing my artworks will be sold means that to some degree, I’m aware of creating a quality and beautiful end product for someone else.

However my art therapy is just for me - my process, my explorations, with no requirement for refined beautiful product.

This expression pictured here embodies where I’ve come to in my journey so far … embracing of the process of slowing down, connecting with nature and nature within, holding my aesthetic and therapeutic parts with equal reverence, and the interest in them joining to create a third, adjoined identity.

I’m still a work in progress, however the last 7 weeks of intentional art therapy research inquiry on this topic has definitely helped me begin the bridging process.

Art truly has the capacity to heal and unite.

Artwork: ‘Held and Anchored’

Seed pod, seeds, plasticine, flowers, leaves, recycled paper and a bell 💚💙

Created as part of my studies in Masters of Therapeutic Arts at MIECAT.


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Calm Creative Kids Art Exhibition - Term 4, 2021


Coming Soon - Self Love Solo Exhibition