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My intuitive vision board for 2021 + upcoming workshop

Hello my beautiful fellow human,

Whenever I’m feeling a bit lost, two things have always helped me tap into my inner wisdom: Making art and journalling. There’s something about engaging in the creative process that bypasses our logical processes and gets straight to the heart of the matter. Personally, creativity helps me to understand myself better so I can make better choices, whilst embracing the unfolding mystery of life. Win-win.

Lately I’ve been feeling a pull of new life direction, which hasn’t settled into a firm knowing yet. There are ways I want to be in the world, but I don’t know how that will look in my outward experience yet. So as I sat down to create my annual vision board for 2021, I decided to explore not what, but HOW I’m choosing to move forward in my life this year, from a values perspective.

Here’s what came about:

My son took the photo of me with my 2021 vision board in our studio this afternoon. I didn’t even crop off his finger on the right-hand side of the pic because this, my friends is REAL LIFE. Not everything goes to plan and it’s often the road deviations that brings grit and depth our way.

I’m feeling pretty fresh about my year ahead. Pro-actively more fierce. Reflective, yet bold. I’ve lived much of my life as a peacemaker, often to the detriment of my own inner peace, and I’m honestly getting too old for that shit now. I know it’s time to claim my authentic life for myself in deepening ways, and this bright, bold vision board will be a daily reminder for me every day that:

I choose WARRIOR over worrier. I choose fierce. I am responseABLE. I live with integrity. I release what I no longer need and re-lease my life view on the daily, pivoting as I need.

As I’ve transitioned into 2021, making art or journalling almost daily has been a wonderful, insightful friend on my journey.


I have been creating vision boards for many years to set intentions and guide my year ahead and I’d love to share my process with you. No experience necessary, just an open, colour-loving heart.

Join me at my upcoming Adult’s Intuitive Vision Boards Workshop in Brighton, Queensland AU on Saturday 23rd January. BOOK HERE

If you’re not in Australia, my Intuitive Intentions E-Class is a great option.

I hope to work with you soon.

With love,