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Dear Universe

You guys, this is me after a really good cry this morning. I knew I'd been feeling a bit blah lately and journaling is something that always has helped me open myself up to some hidden truths.

I just needed to feel ready to hear them. 

As I wrote this morning, I asked and I prayed and I handed over so many little and big things I'd been carrying within. Some problems were mine and some were not, without realising it.

I cried the hardest around wanting so deeply to open myself up to feeling fully supported by a loving Universe so that I can increase my creative teaching in the world.

I cried most because I often feel it is solely my job to teach my son how loved he is in a Universe I'm still trying to understand myself.

I cried in relief for touching a vulnerable ache in myself to truly make each moment in my life more meaningful.

I cried because I'm tired of worrying and feeling unsupported financially.

I let it all put on the page, I felt it all, I listened to what my heart really wanted to say.

Now I feel tired and want to curl up in my hammock and rest after what feels like a birth of a new me. Another layer of me bloomed and shed as I really faced what my big dreams are. And I told my Universe that I'm ready - actually READY, whatever that may bring.

I know above all that I have been called to where I am now, choice by choice, brush stroke by brush stroke, to create a life that feels truly meaningful and magnificent and matching of my Spiritual heart-of-hearts.

I share this here because we are all feeling beings. We all carry so much in our hearts that we are too scared to trust, too untrusting of how it could possibly come true.

We shut off our dreams because they might be too big for us. But I know this to be true: The part of us calling ourselves to our dreams is the part of us who already knows the solutions and pathways to get there too. And each step that unfolds, moment by moment is how we experience the journey on this thing we call Life.

It is our choice to listen, or not, as we walk this journey. 

All my Love,