New Works in Progress

You might have seen HERE that I've been doing a lot of letting go lately. As I connect with my feelings and experiences, whatever I'm focussing on flows directly into my Art. As a result, the way I'm creating my Intuitive works has begun to shift to more inner-based beauty. To achieve this, I'm reaching for a more direct approach that still allows my Intuition to flow and blossom ...

Alongside my new #innerbeauty focus I found this incredible journal to work in. As I create, I have the open pages visible nearby and these give me fuel for my colourful content. It's a little bit Art-therapy and a little bit life-saving when I hit a road bump in my Art.

Another thing I'm doing a little bit differently at the moment is working on smaller canvasses. My gosh, I am LOVING these bit-size chunks of awesome work on! I stocked up on a whole heap of 8" X 8" deep canvasses and have been spending some yummy rich time creating colourful backgrounds with paint and collage. 

These feel so freeing to me - as a Mama my larger pieces can take months to complete, and these come together in a few nights. Feels so good! I love the idea of releasing a whole new series of these in the coming year. 

Below is one of the 8" x 8" pieces I've just completed. I'm letting these new works be less polished than my usual process. Although this approach still feels 'green' and new to me; I gotta say, the rawness and expressive freedom feels amazing! I'm hoping the #innerbeauty still shines through ... love to know how you feel. She's called, 'Inner Beauty'.

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All my Love,

Chrissy x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Inside My Studio | December 2016


Shave for Inner Beauty