Thoughts on Guilt and Multi-passionate Mums

I write today to share some thoughts on guilt and being a multi-passionate Mumma.

There are few of us out there who feel completely guilt-free about pursuing our own passions, alongside the uber-important role of Motherhood. I know myself, it's something I but up against over and over again. Conflicting values can get in the way of moving forward personally and for many of us, the responsibility of being a Mother is what wins out over our own needs.

Sound familiar?

Nature's Whispers Oracle Cards - My favourite deck.

Nature's Whispers Oracle Cards - My favourite deck.

As I personally reach a cusp point in my Life, when I seemingly have to choose between quality-time with my son and re-entering the workforce full time as a beloved kindy teacher, I know it's time to get real. Because, as I walk this path of growing into myself, I intuitively know that this limitation-based-thinking does not feel true to me. There must be another way.

I pick out a card from my favourite Oracle card deck to help me clarify my intuitive answers from within. The message I receive, two days in a row is: OPEN YOUR HEART.

  • I meditate on this message. Does my heart feel open right now? No, I feel constricted and limited.
  • So, I take a walk in nature to self-connect and clear my head. Does my heart feel open now? A bit more so, yes. I know I'm doing something to focus and trust, to move the energy through. But I still don't know what to do.
  • Finally, I paint how an open-hearted Mother feels. Does my heart feel open now?
Mother's Love - New work in progress.

Mother's Love - New work in progress.

It is here that I understand something. It would be easy for me to worry I'm not being a doting-enough-Mum when I follow my heart.

But the truth is, when I do Open My Heart and follow my bliss, I show my son how to do the same in his own Life too.

As I realise this, something magical happens. The thoughts I begin thinking around the entire issue shifts. My Open Heart enables an even better life solution come to the fore. Suddenly, I am gifted with the new possibility that I could move my son to the kindy where I work at. All of my Love can be in the same space. And in this moment, tears come to my eyes.

The Universe is here to support me in Living with an Open Heart.

Finally, I can TRUST.

I truly believe that’s what we’re here for. And whether we’re Mummas or not, living (and acting) from an open-heart space is always a good thing, even if we don’t see how it will pan out straight away. The open heart in the process is the key – it’s what allows new solutions of the same energy calibre, to bubble up from within.

I'd love to hear your own inspirations, too.

All my Love,

Chrissy xx


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

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Soul Collage - Pop Up Exhibition