Sharing, even when it's Scary
In my experience, Art-making is something we can do to learn to understand ourselves, grow and transform into new life. It's also the epitome of Self-Permission ... and Self-Acceptance, especially when we Share ourselves Authentically.
From my Art Journal
I think Art-making can feel scary sometimes, because most of us have become accustomed to hiding parts of ourselves in fear of judgement ... myself included!
But the act of making Art enables us to access our most raw, beautiful, essential selves and because of this, our inner fears will quite often show-up when we create. The real us is emerging! Eek! Quick, hide!
When we create something and then share it, it's like we are saying, "Here I am, World ... Warts and Shimmers and All."
Current work in progress.
I joke, but honestly, I often feel vulnerable and afraid of what others might think of my work (and Me), because I try to let the truth of myself be expressed and seen in all of my works.
But, in some dichotomous way, this act of expressing and sharing helps give me permission to be myself more.
Because every time I let myself paint how I really feel, I am setting that part of myself free from hiding. When I share the fruits of this experience with others, I am saying, "Yup, I'm not Perfect. This is Me! And I'm Owning It!"
... And you know what is really amazing? The more vulnerable we are in our work, the more we can connect with others, because in truth, we're all feeling the same things, but think we're alone in our experience!
We're so funny. We're all playing the same game of hide and seek without realising it.
Spirit Guide work in progress ... I loved making this, but felt afraid to share it.
Letting My Spiritual side be seen can be scary, but I adore what has come through.
When I just create for myself, I learn to accept myself. When I share my work, I allows others the chance to accept the real me, too.
So as I gear back up into relaunching my Expressive Art Courses later this year, I feel inspired to be more of myself in my teaching too.
This means, more Spirit. More funny. More Real. More Intuition. More Acceptance. More Colour. More "I'm ready to Share Myself, even though it's Scary".
Sharing in the company of those who are open and ready to use creativity as a tool for courageous self-expression, even when it's scary, is a place I want to find solace in ... And I'm no longer afraid to let this part of myself be seen.
I now know I have something important to share ... We all do.
So, to finish up my thoughts, I'll leave you with a beautiful comment from a past student of mine, Fran. After my Expressive Painting E-course last year, she wrote to me saying:
"Every time I saw you with students from your courses, I noticed that each person had a different and unique don't teach us how to paint like you because you have given us so much more, by giving us the tools and the resources to paint like ourselves."
Sigh! Love! I feel deeply seen.
If you'd like to stay in the loop of my future offerings as they unfold, click here.
All My Love,
Chrissy x