Holiday Paintings

Ahhh, it's Monday ... First day back in the studio after a week and a half up the coast. I love getting away from routine every now and again, both to shake things up a bit and to rekindle/discover new ways to live.

I've returned with some new insights and possibilities floating around in my head, but as yet, they haven't quite found their footing. I sometimes struggle with this 'incubator' feeling within, when there's new ideas stirring but they haven't yet come to a feeling of clarity. So, I'm doing my best to sit in this space and let it be okay, and enjoy life as it unfolds.


Space for me, always invites newness in. While I was away, I made a couple of Artworks with different materials than I'm used to and I'd love to share them with you here.  The first is a glittery, watercolour collage, which I made one day on the  balcony of our unit, one chilly day while my little guy napped.


I had planned to have a break from Art, but I had brought along a few random things for Max and I to create with together on holidays. So I used what I had: watercolour pencils, a kids' watercolour palette, Max's paint-with-water book, glitter and paint pens. When you're inspired, you're inspired!

I fell in love with the beautiful, marbly effects on Maxie's paint-with-water pages, so I chopped some up and used them as collage. That blue you see are all parts of a smurf!


I also added in some of the views from the balcony - the seaside cove, the Galsshouse mountains in the distance, the shimmery sun on the calm water ... and my feelings about my time there.


While we were away, a friend and I reconnected out of the blue. We decided to catch up at an Art journalling class at the local gallery, run by two Artists under the name of 'Playing with Possibilities' (search for these wonderful ladies on Facebook). I had an absolutely beautiful day, creating in a way I'd not done before, in book-form. We used a large sheet of heavyweight sketch paper and folded it to create our very own journal, which we spent the day filling with collage, paint, feeling, words and symbols. Yummy soul food, my friends!


Its amazing how quickly we get back into daily life and begin to disconnect from that 'holiday feeling'. My Artworks are always a way for me to relive the experience again, a lovely reminder of the insights and experiences I gained from each trip ... Along with a reel of photos to help reminisce about that lovin' feeling.


From hereon in, this rest of this week will be devoted to preparations for my 'Colour Stories' solo show and Expressive Colour Art workshop this weekend. I plan to remember moments in the sun to stay centred, while I busily flit around like a ladybird, tending to my upcoming events. If you'd like to join me for either, click on the links for more info. There are two spots left in my class!

Love, Chrissy. 


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Workshop This Weekend!


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