Fruits ...

This month's painting class was such a great afternoon. There was such a light, free energy to the class and blue skies and warm sunshine streamed in through the open doors while we painted and listened to music.

My monthly classes are deliciously simple. We begin each session with a freeing art exercise to loosen us all up to create, then I demonstrate a different painting technique to the group.This class, I taught my easy shading technique for making painted objects 'pop' off your page.

We can then paint freely, practicing new techniques, chatting, sipping cups of tea and eating shared baked goodies, while I float between my own painting and providing tips and support when it's right for each person.

It's a beautiful large space and there's no reason to wait until you're a 'perfect artist' to come along! If you'd love a space to paint and join a community of easy going, creative women, then pop over to my art courses page for more details.

Hope to see you next month on the 14th September for a 'Scumbling & Glazing' class.

Love Chrissy x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

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Let go of what others think.