7 Reasons Why I Love Making Art
I grew up in a family where 'Art' was not really on the radar … like, at all. It was just a playful thing I liked to do and it always made me feel happy and fulfilled somehow.
I didn’t have any other artists in the family, nor had I ever visited an art gallery (until my 20’s!) So I never even considered that art could be a worthwhile regular practice or a fulfilling career. I thought art was just pretty pictures hanging on the wall for decoration - which is can be, but it can also be more too.
Now I know more deeply what art means:
Art is an amazing gift, both for the do-er and the viewer.
7 reasons why I love making art …
1: Art opens us up to new possibilities
There are so many ways to make art. Whether you prefer to make art intuitively as you go like me, or plan your steps, engaging in the creative process opens our minds up to new possibilities and neural pathways.
Why? When we create, we can shift beyond our logical brain and settle into our creative flow, which is expansive and open to problem solving by nature.
It’s one of the reasons we can feel so rejuvenated, chilled and alive after creating - art-making gives our brains a breather, and we can bring this more expanded mindset into our lives afterwards too.
2: We don't need qualifications to make art. Just show up.
As kids, we didn’t need permission to create. Kids just create.
For many people, some teacher or schoolyard 'friend' once told us we're no good at art. Rather than questioning their accuracy or personal preference, that judgement often stays with us ... until we challenge that belief.
In my early 20’s, I enrolled in a one-year art course -- to dispel those old beliefs, learn new skills and and retrain my mind that it’s okay to make art, simply because I enjoyed it.
Now, keep making art and learning and trying new things, because I love to discover and create new things.
I also learned that creativity is an innate part of being human and it’s within every one of us, not just the gifted few - and we don't have to be 'good' at anything to start it.
Do you need to be an olympian swimmer to take a dip in the pool? Of course not. The same goes for making art.
Talent grows with commitment.
3: If it feels Nourishing, do it.
Making art doesn't have to be this long, in depth process. It can be squiggles in the sand, on paper or arranging nature in interesting ways.
I have learnt to stop that censoring voice inside me that says 'It’s too frivolous to paint, draw or create.’
Everything we do doesn’t have to make sense, earn income, or be dutiful. Freedom and play are incredibly important tools for bolstering wellbeing.
Personally, I swing on the swings in the playground, even when my son isn't with me. I genuinely try to let myself feel nourished as much as possible ... Art flows naturally from a joyous place.
Cards by Nyah, age 11
4: Colour is Exciting!
Colour is one of my fave things to experience in the world. I have been known to literally salivate when I see a vibrant colour I love! So to me, nature and art materials are truly inspiring and exciting to notice, witness and engage with.
I dress in colours that feel exciting, daring and match my mood.
I explore colour combinations that feel harmonious and explosive.
There are no rules here!
Colour is an ultimate expressive tool and can be found easily wherever you look, even with simple art materials.
5: We can invent new worlds!
Who says that a river can’t ‘see’ at sunset? Art is a place of infinite possibility and I love the fact that we can create our own, meaningful stories that don't need to make sense to anyone else, but us.
We naturally layer our own meaning over art we view and that's why it's so exciting - all interpretations are experienced individually by each person and new stories are made as a result.
What a delicious dance to co-create with the world and art mediums in new and inventive ways.
6: We can celebrate What We love, through Art
Nature is hands down, my biggest inspiration. Every week, I go for a walk to collect plants with dye properties, and bundle them up to create art with.
Because I love the subject matter I’ve created with and felt inspired by, ow every time I look at the resulting artworks, I'm reminded of a truly beautiful, rich experience with nature and time in my life.
Celebration of creativity, joy and connection is revived with each viewing.
Art has that much power.
7: Making Art Just Feels Right
Want to know why I really love to make Art? I JUST DO, it feels good for my Soul.
I believe whenever we truly follow our deepest heart's desires, our fulfilment spills over and inspires others to do the same. Whether it's Art, Cooking, Dancing, Singing or Walking along the beach, following our deep callings are a sure-fire way to bring more contentment into our lives.
The fact that I can finally make and share art simply because it's something I love to do - and know it's legitimate way of creating and living - is a very powerful and self-affirming way to live. I feel good in my own skin when I paint and THAT's why I keep doing it.
I hope this week you can carve some time out to do something what feels beautiful inside for you too.
If you’d love to discover more about upcoming intuitive art classes with me, or bolster your wellbeing with nourishing private art therapy sessions, find out more here.