A tea-inspired art collaboration with artist Tracey Fletcher King!!

Oh my goodness, I am SO excited! Before I go any further, look at these lovelies to give you an idea why …

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tracey fletcher king

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tracey fletcher king Starting the Day 






Aren’t they just divine?! They’re all by the uber talented Tracey Fletcher King; a mixed media and contemporary botanical artist living in Brisbane Australia … which happens to be where I live too! YAY!

Turns out we both have a mutual love for each other’s art, so we’ve decided to do a collaboration together … Hopefully, the first of many! (I can smell a potential exhibition here, but let’s not get carried away on the scent of divine tea escapades!)

So, the idea is is that I’ll be creating one of these for Tracey …


And when she receives it, she’ll be making her own rendition of it into one of her beautiful mixed-media artworks! How awesome is that?!?!

It’s early days yet, we haven’t even discussed our shared visions yet, but I had to share the news in excited anticipation!

You can pop over to Tracey’s blog here to view more of her loveliness, and like her beautiful page on facebook here

C xx


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.


Two new hand-painted tea sets


My birth art quilt