New Artwork ~ Palatial Heart

Yesterday I attended my last BrisStyle Indie Market for the year. There was such a sense of camaraderie amongst everyone and oh, so much beauty! I popped over to another artist’s stall for a look and I came across an artwork that absolutely blew my heart open when I saw it. Right then, I knew I had to have it.

Denthe ~ ‘All the sorrow, it will pass’


By the time I got home and reflected on this artwork, I couldn’t contain the feelings any longer. I felt a strong compulsion to capture that feeling of gratitude and the ability to experience a fully open heart, because of this artwork and the wonderful day I’d just had.

So, I began painting …


The painting that unfolded felt like a palace to me, combined with a completely overwhelming sense of my heart opening in joy and acceptance. The title ‘Palatial Heart’ captured this feeling perfectly. But, there was still more inside. So the painting continued …


Finally, I felt rested. The desire to paint swells up like a current and threatens to pull me under if I don’t go with it. It’s both a desire and a joy. I wouldn’t wish it to be anything else!

Palatial heart collage text

I’ll be putting this pair in my etsy shop sometime over the coming week and maybe making some prints, so check it if you’re interested.

While you’re there, you might want to check out the very last of my handmade notebooks. There’s only a handful left as I’ve finished making them for a while. These have been hugely popular for teacher’s gifts and stocking fillers!

you make me happy_etsy open

Finally, there’s only one week left to enter my Mega Artsy Giveaway. Have you entered yet? There’s not many entries so far, so the odds are in your favour!

mega artsy christmas giveaway_sm nov 2012

Hope you have a great rest-of-your-weekend. Love C x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

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