9 New Release Intuitive Artworks

Hello Beautiful, I feel super excited to be joining you here today to share 9 new Intuitive Artworks in my gallery shop! It’s been a while since I’ve released a new lot of Intuitive Artworks, so I hope you’ll enjoy looking through and choosing your favourite pieces. Each Artwork now includes an Intuitive background story, so I hope you’ll find joy in reading more about the pieces that sing to your heart.

Also … many of you have been asking for an option to pay off your favourite Artworks, so I also now offer payment plans on all Original Artworks! Life’s good in colour! Original Art is such a precious gift and I always feel Originals hold so much power to transform the vibe of a space. Healing, wellbeing, colour. All the lovely things. So without further ado, here are my 9 latest Intuitive Artworks …


This beautiful Intuitive Artwork is inspired by serendipity and how nature reflects our inner energies outwards, like a mirror. Here in this piece, we see a fusion of rainbows, trees, birds and underwater creatures, imaginatively representing the concept ‘as above, so below’. When we open our eyes and our hearts to the guidance around us, we will be lovingly surprised by the little love notes the Creative Muse leaves in our wake. Living this life can be truly exciting adventure, when we open our intention up to enjoying the gifts of the journey.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $575 | 23cm x 30cm (9" x 12"). Mixed media on fine art paper.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $143.75 ( x 4 payments)


This beautiful Intuitive Artwork is very close to my heart and full of personal meaning. I began painting this canvas back in 2014, in the midst of a breakdown. Back then, the teardrop shapes floated amongst inky blackness, in a powerful depiction of my feelings at the time. Last year I revisited this piece, bringing to it my new insights and a claiming of the gift of insight that deep sorrow can bring. Had it not been for my hardest times, I would never have risen from the depths to claim my life anew. Because I owned my darkness, I could integrate and learn to accept myself more fully. This Artwork now boasts beautiful floral features, glowing purple leaves, calming pinks and aquas and blues, within a hear-shaped womb of self-love.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $1650 | 50cm x 60cm (20" X 24") on 1.5” deep canvas. Comes ready to hang.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $412.50 ( x 4 payments)


I created ‘Possibility’ over a couple of months, adding new layers and insights as they unfolded in my life. It emerged at a new turning point in my life, a space previously unknown to me. Instead of fearing this time, I embraced curiosity and the possibility of learning new things about myself. Embracing the process. Allowing love in. Staying true to the newness of today. With time and patience with my unfolding process, I felt reborn, with greater perspective and ability to choose with loving boundaries and greater love.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $2500 | 60cm x 60cm (24" X 24") on 1.5” deep canvas. Comes ready to hang.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $625 ( x 4 payments)


This beautiful artwork began Her life as my paint palette. After building up paint layers and mixing colours on the smooth board surface, textures and colours started to build a beautiful base to create an Artwork on. The Egyptian elements, old building and tree image, originally came from a National Geographic magazine. I then painted over these collaged elements with beautiful golds and bright colours. She reminds us to go within, take time to fill our inner-cup, develop loving boundaries and receive divine intuition.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $295 | 15cm x 15cm (6" x 6"). Mixed media on board panel. It sits beautiful on a shelf, or I can add a sawtooth hanger for you upon request.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $73.75 ( x 4 payments)


This beautiful Intuitive Artwork on board panel, features a woman actively choosing to view life with an open heart. When I created Her, I began by mixing pinks, white and red acrylic paint on the board surface and when I stood back, I saw a womanly figure shape emerging, like shapes in the clouds.I continued adding collage, drawn details and text that arose intuitively as I created. Her cheeks became a set of eyes that remind her to view life through a heartfelt lens, as well as via our vision. View the making of Ten of Cups on my blog HERE.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $575 | 30cm x 30cm (approx 12" x 12"). Mixed media on wooden board. Sides of Artwork are wooden (approx 1" deep)

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $168.75 ( x 4 payments)


Love Matters. Really. It’s a simple, age-old truth that we sometimes forget when amidst our busy lives, full of responsibility. But at the core of ourselves, if we really dig deep, isn’t love worth making a priority in our daily practice? And I don’t mean just romantic love, or love for our family and friends, but the highest priority for ourselves too. This Intuitive Artwork, with its warm, pastel neons, blue skies and flying birds; will serve as a daily reminder to prioritise love and care for ourselves first. From here, all love flows, grows and can flourish authentically.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $160 | 18cm x 18cm (7" x 7"). Mixed media on fine art paper.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $40 ( x 4 payments)


This Art piece is a beautiful talisman of hope and wellbeing, especially when we experience times of challenge in our lives. Within the upper left flowers is a quote: One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike as the most beautiful - Sigmund Freud. In this way, we are reminded to feel our experience fully, focus on self-care in the now, find gems of wisdom and keep hopeful of the days of relief to come.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $900 | 28cm x 36cm (11" x 14"). Mixed media on fine art paper.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $225 ( x 4 payments)


I created this Intuitive Artwork during a time I was feeling emotionally fatigued and in need of self-love. As I created, I freely adding colour, explored with fine detail and responded to the images arising in my mind. I began to feel held and loved from within. In the painting are affirmations that emerged intuitively to guide my self-love journey, including ‘ride the waves’, ‘suffer not in silence’, ‘your needs matter’ and ‘you are always worth it’. This Artwork reminds us there is always a way back home to our hearts, and sometimes, we need to feel our feels fully in order to move through them and beyond to the other side. She boasts rich textures and beautiful gold and silver leafing elements, making it an eye-catching reminder to come back home to nourish ourselves daily.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $700 | 28cm X 35cm (11" X 14"). Mixed media on fine art paper.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $175 ( x 4 payments)


This Intuitive Artwork is a powerful ode to feminine wisdom. A beautiful woman dons Her crown of shells, gold and blooms, which represents Her innate ability to connect with natural instinct. She receives wisdom as pictures, bodily knowing and gifts within nature; which she heeds and lovingly enacts in Her life. This Intuitive piece would make a beautiful gift for someone opening up to their Intuitive Gifts and ready to embrace them more fully in daily life. Our Intuition is our birthright and the more we feed and listen to Her, the stronger our innate power grows.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $695 | 28cm X 35cm (11" X 14"). Mixed media on fine art paper.

PAYMENT PLAN OPTION - $173.75 ( x 4 payments)


Which is your personal favourite? It’s a hard call, but I think my fave is probably Retrospect. I felt surprised when I birthed this piece because it felt so full of wisdom and beautiful self-acceptance for the hard times as well as the good. I think this realisation comes when we are ready to love ourselves and our lives fully. I lifelong endeavour,

Love, Chrissy x

P.S - I am having an exhibition soon New Farm, near the Brisbane CBD. Keep your eyes peeled for your invite in my next post!


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.


You're Invited to my Intuitive Art Show


The Making of Intuitive Artwork: Ten of Cups