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In Loving Memory

This week I received some crushing news that a family friend I grew up with had passed away last week whilst holidaying in Bali with friends. I had been besties with his sister throughout high-school and the family had become like a second one to me.

Although I hadn't seen Tyler in years, I was still in contact with his sister Tam. When I heard of is passing I was overcome with grief, knowing how close the family was and the thought of the loss they must be experiencing. He was just 31 years old.

I wanted to do something - anything - to help ease their pain and share my love but I couldn't think what to do. How can anyone make up for such a loss? So, I did what I know. I painted.

I painted a very special moment from Ty's funeral; a moment capturing his loved ones all gathered together in a board circle in the ocean, in his name. He'd touched so many lives in his lifetime that the board circle broke the Guinness book of records for the most people gathered at sea on a board.

As I painted, I cried and I felt and I did all I could to do this moment justice. I painted this so his big sister Tam can always look at it, knowing he was loved, she was loved and will always supported by those who love them.

In Loving Memory of Tyler Kennedy. 1986 - 2017.

Prints available HERE.

All my Love,