Intuitions | Recharge, Passions, Begin Within

Intuitions reading

I think when you get that 'rush' feeling in your heart to create something, there's something wanting to 'come out' from within ... to be seen, witnessed, experienced, held and loved. So, rather than wait for the perfect circumstances, to bring together an Intuitions Video for you, I've picked a few cards to share with you here instead. I hope you enjoy xxx



'RECHARGE' from my Mama Nurture deck

'RECHARGE' from my Mama Nurture deck

When I look at this card, the first thing I notice is the ruby red flower heading towards the centre of the image. There's a welcoming, warming feeling here, with warm light emanating outwards.  It feels like a nice cold drink after a long run. The messages behind this card are to

  • Prioritise Health,
  • Honour Your Needs and
  • Schedule Regular Me-Time

I feel that when we fill our cup by taking time out - even 30 minutes - from nourishing others, we give ourselves the opportunity to replenish our stores. For me, as a working Mama, Artist and business owner, sometimes the need to recharge can often come knocking days (or weeks!) before I finally stop and listen to my bodily intuitions. I'm getting much better these days, but that's only because I've learned the hard way so many times (... We don't need to do that, you know. We can choose to love and listen, instead).

When I notice myself feeling stuck, flat or even resentful of others' spare time, I know it's time to RECHARGE. To me that means booking in a massage, going for a walk along the beach by myself, or taking a self-care day when I really need it. Its important to let go of any guilt that I'm putting others out by claiming this time, and know that I'm valuable enough to take care of as well.

Do you need a RECHARGE date? Find a sitter, schedule that time and do something that truly fills your cup. Everyone will benefit.



'PASSIONS' from my Mama Nurture Deck

'PASSIONS' from my Mama Nurture Deck

This card has a lovely, flowing, streamlined kind of energy ... much like the feeling of being in-the-flow of a painting, a run, or baking a special meal. There's a lovely warm light radiating from above, with an outpouring golden liquid flowing into a golden landscape below. The messages behind this card are to

  • Get Playful
  • Rekindle a Passion and
  • Honour Your Interests

The feeling I get from this card is to call on family and friends and do something you truly love. Invite them to join you, or if you prefer, ask them to care for your child while you go solo - let them know, however you need them. 

The rays from above are the feelings of warmth we feel when we basque in doing something we truly adore. If you've noticed a pulling - a repetitive calling - to go somewhere or experience something, it's your intuition letting you know that this would be good for you!

For me, it's a trip into the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. I've been wanting to go back there for ages (I feel this is my Spiritual 'home'), so it's time I made the trip. For you, it could be an afternoon crafting or swimming, or bushwalking -- whatever it is, you know it - it's the first thing that popped to mind!

Enjoy this time and you will become like the four pouring vessels, overflowing with golden, liquid love afterwards.



'BEGIN WITHIN' from my Intuitive Wisdom deck

'BEGIN WITHIN' from my Intuitive Wisdom deck

Begin Within is a bright, cheery card, brimming with inspiring, loving energy. The moon-like shape in the centre represents our Inner Self and all the flowery, colourful outers are the experiences and energies around - and available - to us. The messages behind this card are about

  • Inner Guidance
  • Personal choice and
  • Timeless Protection

This is a very lucky card ... yet the luck hasn't come by chance. The fish at the top reminds us that when we begin our day by going within, checking in with our feelings and following what's right for us; life begins to feel that bit more magical.

This card calls us to create a daily ritual that feels good for our Spirit. This may be a morning meditation, a few morning stretches or maybe listening to some uplifting music. If you're a Mama, this is something you can discuss with your children, partner and family to help them provide the space and support you need for this time. I take 20 minutes on our front porch each morning to check in and listen to a mindfulness track (I use this incredible app) and my husband takes charge for this time.

As the days, weeks and months roll on, I've grown much better at claiming this time and I now set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier, so I don't have to rush. I truly have grown to love this time with myself.


I hope these cards and words have resonated with you. Subscribe below to receive my latest Colourful Videos, Art updates and Intuitive Wisdom.

All my Love,

Chrissy xx



Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

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