I'm truly a big kid when it comes to Christmas - I just LOVE this time of year. There's a palpable sense of possibility and kindness in the air, I reckon ... everything feels inspiring and possible!

I dressed to match my feelings this morning and went out to the shops to get a few last-minute things for Christmas.

Still feeling inspired when I got home; it felt like a great time to paint.

I celebrated by first exploring my current feelings of being Open, Loved and feeling Gratitude for Myself. You know you're joyful when you feel truly happy and blessed to just be who you are ... it's been many years coming and I'm really lapping it up! 

All my meditation and mindfulness really is paying off.

my art studio

Some of the cues that came from this morning's feeling journal exploration included: diamonds, simple leaf shapes, poppies and warm colours including light yellow and rust. 

I began working these into the canvas, using delicious techniques such as etching, glazing and bringing in bright white accents. 

Step by step, Intuition led the way.

Every mark I made felt true and alive and so good to express. As I created, I marvelled at the beauty and magnificence of our Intuition ... when we can truly let go and step into the flow, everything unfolds with delightfully unexpected awesomeness. 

So here is the finished piece and I gotta say ... I effing LOVE it! It feels wild and magical and alive; just as I felt throughout the creative process. I love being able to document my life in this way. It's truly an honour to experience.

This new Artwork will be added to my stash of minis, which will be available early in the New Year. I'm really looking forward to sharing them all with you.

All my Love,

Chrissy x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.


Evoking Inner Truths


For My Dad