Work in Progress ~ Collage

A few weeks ago I got a package of new Golden neon paints in the post. I've been wanting to try these for aaaages and I wasn't disappointed - rather than being transparent like other cheap neon paints, these Golden neons are thick, opaque and buttery.


As I often do, I worked on a few Artworks at a time ... and as often happens I got carried away with paint until the page was overwhelmed like an overgrown forest of colour! The beauty of working on paper though, is that you can chop it up or paint over it. I particularly liked the lotus flower shape so I carefully cut it out and glued it onto another work in progress made using masking fluid and coloured inks.


Since working four days a week I am often in family and relaxation mode at night time, but I felt super-inspired to paint last night. I think it's because I bought myself a beautiful bunch of flowers - just because - and the tiny white, pink and yellow flowers on them filled me with the urge to match their beauty. Isn't nature exquisite?!


To bring their essence into my Artwork, I added some gel pen outlines to the trees, helped the blue moon glow and filled some white dots to recreate the pretty flower centres of pink and golden yellow.


There's a sense of rising power to me here ... something quite humble, beautiful and warm. I'll be sure to upload pics as she comes to her final stages.

All my Love,

Chrissy x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

Next Paint Night - 7th Nov


Sneak Peek - Intuition Cards