Work in Progress - Floral Colour

Over the last week or so I've felt a rekindled desire to work from Life - particularly the Natural World.

I have a folder I keep filled with my printed nature photos, so I decided to sketch one of them with crayon and fill the petals with watercolours. I set it aside and didn't think much more about it afterwards.


This morning I took my little boy downstairs and decided to set up this drawing again, while he played out in the backyard. Balancing my Art with the demands of Motherhood can be challenging, so I find creating while he's around is best done outdoors and with a light heart, because interruptions are a given.

Its nice though, because a light heart, close proximity to nature and openness to whatever comes up in the moment is aligned with how I most enjoy painting. Sometimes, washing muddy feet or blowing a nose will enable me to return to paint with fresh eyes, and I'll pass a pretty flower on my way back to the drawing table.

It's all about finding treasures in each moment.


As I think abut how my life is slowly evolving and changing, I have had an intuitive sense to embrace spaciousness. I used to fill every single moment with busy-ness and trying to do everything 'right' and now I'm consciously choosing moments of presence, even in the mundane

This feels freeing. 

To illustrate this sense of spaciousness, I have chosen to keep the outer areas white, so the flourishing growth has space to just Be. When I paint, I often love to fill, fill, fill, so the white space on paper feels like a lovely, free breeze.

I also experimented with holding the yellow dandelion flowers in my non-dominant hand, to channel their light-hearted, free feelings. It may sound strange, but I definitely experienced a shift into natural freedom by tuning into the energy of this gorgeous, everyday weed flower.


This rising cloud of Floral Colour is a manifestation of how I feel about my Life experience right now ... A time where new Life is blooming, I'm celebrating the simpler things, and my intentions are funnelling into a greater sense of Spiritual belonging.

To use colour, collage and nature to assimilate and celebrate my Life, is a gift I feel truly grateful for. I will be sure to share the finished piece with you here when it's done.

All my Love,  Chrissy xx

** POST NOTE - She's all finished! Click HERE to view.


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

New Release GIFT Prints - Spring Time


Sneak Peek - GIFT Prints Range