Meditation + Art + Spirit

Every morning I start my day with a little meditation.  It's nothing hocus pocus, it's really simple, actually. I have a visual journal in front of me and I begin by writing down a few words to describe how I'm feeling right now.

Some days, it's that I'm feeling tired or anxious, other days, I feel excited and heart-centred (like today!)

Checking-in has become a ritual for me, because it helps me intend what feelings I want to cultivate for my day ahead. Once I know how I feel, I can choose what I want to feel more of, or select a cathartic feeling to focus on, to shift my energy into a more loving groove.

Once I've chosen a feeling to focus on, I meditate on those feelings to grow them ...

Today's meditation was all about enjoying my life, right now, and seeing all my feelings as a gift and opportunity to grow. Often I'll receive beautiful words, images and colours in my meditations, which I can then bring into my paintings, like I did here, this morning.

The beauty of painting expressively, is that I can start with anything - words, collage, paint, drawing - whatever matches and honours my feelings.

This way, my paintings start flourishing along with my Spirit ... and these days, my Spirit is feeling pretty darn good!

Love to learn to Create with Feeling too? Click HERE.


Chrissy x


Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

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