My life as a Mummy - My boy turns two

Two years ago this evening, I was in labour. 

I could never have anticipated back then what a roller coaster journey of highs and lows I would experience from that day forward. But through all the challenges and triumphs, Motherhood has taught me one thing for sure: I'm way less breakable than I thought I was.

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Being a Mumma for this little guy has forced me, every day, to throw out everything I know about who I think I should be, and just be who I can be, in each moment.  

In those moments where inside I'm screaming, 'Oh crikey kid, just go back to sleep!', I still somehow muster up a kind, loving hand to run through his hair (most of the time).

Maxie forces me, every day, to share the very best of myself and be the best role model I can for him.  It's hard and it's constant and it's incredibly rewarding to grow alongside him in this way.

I think my favourite thing about being a Mum are the innate treasures I find hidden in each and every moment.

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Maxie has given me the beautiful gift of noticing.

Rarely before would I just sit in a park and look at the beautiful textures on fallen leaves. Nor would I stop to watch an ant crawl up a tree trunk, or have anyone to share my love for vibrantly coloured flowers.   But these days, it's all commonplace.

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I am truly delighted to have found places where Motherhood and being an Artist can overlap. The circumstances and constraints of Motherhood have enabled me to find new creative outlets - ones I can do with my son around - and they are so much more gentle and accessible than I've ever experienced before.

Organising leaves by colour while my son drives his cars beside me is so gentle, so simple and so in-the-moment, that I had no idea they could ever feel fulfilling. I used to think Motherhood took me away from my creativity, and for a time, it probably did. Now I know, my little man brings me closer to the Art of Life.

He's taught me about resilience and how to make the best out of each situation I'm faced with. He's taught me not to wait until circumstances are perfect, and just dive in and do my best. I continue to learn each day a new piece of myself and a human's capacity for love and presence.

I have learnt, finally, that hard work and hard times always pass like the clouds and the seasons, to reveal new shoots of life and unexpected new landscapes. 

For this, my beautiful boy, Thank You. Happy birthday for tomorrow, my sunshine.

Love MumMum xx

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Chrissy Foreman | Neurodivergent Artist & Art Therapist.

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