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Floods and Heart Space Discoveries

Hello beauty, I hope this day finds you well and safe.

Here in my neck of the woods we’ve experienced flooding and torrential rain that’s damaged many homes, businesses and lives. Personally, our home studio/office space was damaged with water leaking through the ceiling into buckets and our yard and under house flooded. But our people and pets are thankfully all safe and sound. My love goes out to all those who have been affected, as well as others in the world experiencing hardship.

In challenging times, I make sure I keep up a nourishing morning practice, for some reprieve back to my heart space. So this morning I sat down with my sketchbook and pens to practice some morning creative mindfulness.

As I flipped through the pages, I came across a poem from my art therapy studies and decided to create an illustration and card share to accompany the poem.

I created a video to share with you here, featuring my Intuitive Wisdom Cards.

Poem: Here's what I discovered when I make time for my me-ness

Reaching to attain, but what exactly?

We may want to stay in the ease of the green and blue.

But everything has its place. Even the blackness … especially the blackness.

The blackness is where we can be reborn. Raining down as breath when there's nothing else left to do …

But inhale, exhale and feel it all in.

Do not fear the darkness, nor fear the light.

For all colors between are rivers of truth back to ourselves, which is where we belong, essentially.

Allow the rise and fall of life to be embraced

As time to honor self in all our nuances, cracks

and glistening hearts.

What could be discovered if we allow life to bleed through our plans, and pierce our hearts?

Creating her lands with every eruption of Spirit coming into form

What could happen and How could our experience change?

When we embrace dark, light, and all in between, as messengers of love

In the living flesh of all things

Featuring my Intuitive Wisdom Cards. Browse my card sets here.