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Three new intuitive collages

Hello beauty, I hope you’ve been well.

This week I got my collage on and completed a few new intuitive artworks to share with you. I’ve always found collage to be such a wonderful tool for self-expression and bringing together disparate ideas and colours, into harmonious compositions. Teamed with painting and drawing, it’s an incredibly insightful and inspiring process.

Here are my latest 3 new intuitive collages …

‘AFTER THE LONG WINTER’. Mixed media on paper.

2020 has been an epic year. I feel like I, and so many others, have been deeply weathered by the storm and doing our best to ground in and support ourselves and loves ones throughout most of the year.
AND in recent weeks, I’ve felt a shift. There are still challenges, but I feel like I’ve grown in depth and resilience so much, that I can now root deep into my wisdom and instincts, to weather any storm. The season of a very long Winter has passed and I am now witnessing new growth shoots in my mind, heart and Life. They are strong and embedded and they’re here to stay.
This artwork celebrates coming out of the long Winters in life, feeling blessed to have gone to our depths and finding solace and courage there. From here, we can stand proud in who we’ve become and are becoming.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $495 | 30.5 cm x 23 cm (Approx 9" x 12"). Mixed media on fine art paper. Payment plans available.


‘A CALLING INTO LIFE’. Mixed media on paper.

Whenever I create an artwork I have no idea what it’s about to unfold, until each intuitive brush stroke and detail feels complete and I sit back to listen to its wisdom. This artwork feels like a deeper insight into the ways we experience our movement through life. It feels cyclic, like a bird soaring through the energy of experience in a spiral, being called lovingly to new heights and depths of life and ways of being.

Some experiences we encounter feel like natural easeful stepping stones and others require us to reach into our depths of courage to embody and accept them fully. The bird here shows us we have the opportunity to rise above and see our ever-changing inner and outer landscapes with more clarity. That life IS change as we travel through time, yet a part of us is ever-present and able to know and understand ourselves more fully. It feels deep and profound, yet incredibly light too.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $990 | 42 cm X 29.5 cm (approx 12" X 16"). Mixed media on fine art paper. Payment plans available.


‘CHANGING LANDSCAPES’. Mixed media on paper.

Changing Landscapes is a mixed media collage artwork I intuitively created using magazines, acrylic paints and pen. In my creative process, I flipped through house and garden magazines and found some beautiful images of wooden furniture, lighting, bowls and plants I loved. Layer by layer, I merged these items together and painted over areas to create a colourful indoor-outdoor landscape.

ORIGINAL ARTWORK ~ $495 | 21cm x 29.5cm (Approx 8" x 12"). Mixed media on fine art paper. Payment plans available.