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It's Art Retreat Time!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be sharing my brand new Expressive Art Retreat with you!

Friday 25th – Sunday 27th April, 2014 @ Sweetwater Cottage, Maleny.

From $575 per person.

All materials, accommodation and food is provided.


You are invited to join me for a beautiful 3 Day Expressive Art Retreat, nestled in the lush, inspirational Sunshine Coast Hinterland of Maleny. We'll be staying in a quaint little cottage called 'Sweetwater' ...

This long-weekend retreat is all about discovering freeing and exciting ways to connect with our unique, Expressive Spirits, using colour, nature, symbolism, painting, drawing, collage and more.

Far from a step-by-step, 'colour by numbers' learning environment; this retreat will give you all the tools and support you need to fully surrender, experiment, laugh, get messy, be playful, take risks and get to know YOUR unique way of expressing the world around you.

All materials, accommodation and food is provided. Let's get our colourful, playful pants onnnnn!

Sound like fun? I'm busting out of my skin with excitement! Find all the details HERE.

As we speak there are only 6 spaces left, so please book as soon as you can if you're interested.

Unable to make it this time around? My Expressive E-Course is launching soon too! Gah, so much colour, so much awesome in 2014!

Big Love, C xxx